Monthly Archives: July 2013

Idea #5 to Help Baby Boomers and Seniors Find a Passion (Meetup Groups)

I haven’t blogged in awhile.  Whew!  This book promotion is occupying my time almost completely.  The upside is that it’s a lot of fun giving author talk/book signing events.  I’ll be giving my next one at 7pm at the Santa Monica library in Santa Monica, California.

Today, I want to discuss meetup groups.  Have you heard of  It’s a wonderful website.  You can find groups near you of people who all share a common interest.  I have a friend who has connected with a meetup group just for going to the movies.

I went to a meetup group near my home of people who were interested in speaking Spanish.  We met at a restaurant, and we all conversed in Spanish the entire time.  People had varying degrees of fluency, but everyone was tolerant and helpful toward everyone else.  The ages of the participants also varied greatly.   That didn’t matter as we all shared a common interest.

Just google “meetup groups” or put into your computer address bar.  It’s not hard to do.  If you’re not computer literate, ask for help from a friend or relative who is.  If you don’t have a computer, the library has computers.  You can sign up to use them for free, and the librarian can be helpful in showing you how to get to that website.  It’s a great way to connect with others.

I know it’s hard to reach out.  Remember my motto:  DO IT ANYWAY!

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